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Sunday 8 March 2009

The road to Rotorua

We started driving south along Route 1. It was great driving and the radio was throwing up all these tunes from the past. "Sundown" by Gordon Lightfoot, "If not for you" Olivia Newton John, and god knows what else. It was great.

The roads here seem really new and clean and bright. It seems like a country that has just been built. In some cases the roads were so new that they had not finished cutting through the rock and we were down to 30 KPH.

We stopped in search of a loo and cafe in this odd little place. It was like a little ghost town in a western, a truck across the road was being unloaded of boxes by a man and a boy. I spotted a sign for a loo. The loo itself was a fully automatic "Exeloo" I pressed the button and entered.

"Welcome to exeloo, the door will now close and lock. It will open again after ten minutes." Then Jazzy music the tune - "Why do birds suddenly appear every time you are near . . ."

The interior was stainless steel and non vandalizable. When you finished you started washing your hands and this automatically flushed the loo. Then I pressed the button to open the door.

"Thank you for using "Exeloo"

We stopped in another place called Cambridge which seemed to have a lot of race courses and race horses. Verty opulant. Byt Rotorua still seemed an age away. Would we ever get there.

Off we set again, and then

Disaster . . . a 40 second warning and then a sudden and full scale gut attack. I had slam on the anchors and hit the hazzard lights and get out of the car in a flash. Just in the nick of time too. Poor mum didn't know where to look. I was just glad to get away with it.

I felt dpressed afterwards but in the end we got to the Ambassador Thermal Hotel in Rotorua. The whole place smelt of sulphur. But we were there.

WEe signed in and and zoned out in opur separate rooms, showers, bed, tea. What a relief.

More tomorrow.

I think of you.

With Love

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