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Wednesday 11 March 2009

Picton Ferry

The task of getting up dropping off the car and getting to the ferry terminal seemed a daunting one especially at that hour of the day (0600) but we got there OK and after a brief sprint to the loo we were checked in and ready to go.

I looked at the water in the shallows over the fence. It was really clear.You could see muscles under the water attached to the rocks. Then the water started to hypnotise me. it was so gleaming and clear and abstract. I got quite mesmerised by it.

The ferry - The Interislander line was lovely. I do like ferries. the route between Wellington and picton is quite interesting.

Picton itself is a little place at the end of Queen Charlotte sound. Ferries come and go, and there is the train south that we will get tomorrow.

last night I left Mum and went out to see if there was an interestying bar. There's a place called The Flying Haggis. But it was not really my cup of tea.

The place we are staying was full up so we were offered "the house next door" which turns out to be massive. We have a surfiet of bedrooms, and the rooms are large enough to hold a reception.

It's rather overcast and cold today and we have heard there is snow further south. It's good to have a day to stop and do nothing.

1 comment:

  1. I am so loving your account of your journeyings together, and have been trying to send you messages, (- am too dumb technically, and just sent an ordinary e-mail, in frustration!) You make me long to visit Africa and New Zealand, - and Australia, - but you describe it all so vividly I can really imagine it easily. Bless you both, - have fun, and come home safe.Nonie x
