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Wednesday 11 March 2009

Napier - Wellington

We headed out of Napier in Egbert with music and hope. Another long drive ahead - in fact the longest we had done yet. The scenery seemed less variable than the day before, but it was still really interesting. Mum seemed a little tired and nearly fell asleep in the car. I said why don't you justsleep whilewe are going along, but she tried to stay awake. We stopped at a place for lunch which looked like something from a road movie. All day breakfasts.

There was a group of men huddled over bacon and eggs and tea, a very basic loo with a lockless door, and a rather unispiring selection of tat for presents.

We had to cross the mountainous spine towards Wellington and suddenly it was if we were in the Alps with tightly twisting turns, hairpins that made you dizzy, and long snaking views. I loved that bit although you had to really concentrate on the driving. No room for error.

After that once we hit a place called Masterton we were down to 50 KPH much of the time, and it seemed to take an age to get anywhere. I started to think come on lets ge there. Unlike anywhere else we's seen Wellington was a long sprawling place which starts with upper and lower Hutt and drivels on an on seeming to take an age to get to Wellington itself.

We eventually got there and next had the task of locating the City Life hotel. It was a cruel twist that it was at this point that my gut decided to threaten me. But there was NOWHERE to stop, no sign of a cafe or bar, just closed shops and concrete. I was driving like a woman in labour breathing deeply and sweating. Mum was damming the place. Eventually I swerved somewhat illegally into the railway station and legged it for the Loo.

True relief is a beautiful thing. A million times better. Then I found a man in a parcel office who showed me a map and explained the incredibly complex one way system. And that was another million times better.

The City Life Hotel was SWISH. We had a kitchen two bedrooms, TV and lounge area. It was (after that drive) very heaven. Breakfast was early - we were up at six and on our way to the ferry to Picton.

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